© 2024 National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War. Memorial complex.

II Scientific and Practical Conference “The War for Ukraine: XX-XXI centuries”

Discussions / 1 June 2024

The National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War held the II Scientific and Practical Conference “The War for Ukraine: XX-XXI centuries.”

This annual event focused on the military and political aspects of Ukrainians’ centennial struggle for freedom and independence. Participants had the opportunity to attend the plenary session and two workshops: “Ukraine in the First and Second World Wars: The Ukrainian Liberation Movement” and “Ukraine in the Context of the russian Hybrid War: Armed Aggression and Full-Scale Invasion.”

Yurii Savchuk, the Director General of the War Museum, opened the event. He also presented the proceedings of the I Scientific and Practical Conference held in 2023 and gifted published materials to last year’s event participants.

The plenary session was moderated by Oleksandr Lysenko. The following speakers presented their reports: Yurii Shapoval (“Oleksandr Dovzhenko on the initial stage of the Second World War. Based on the materials of the Soviet special services”), Yurii Nikolayets (“The use of social networks in the modern russian-Ukrainian information warfare”), Ivan Patrylak (“Defense of the South in 2022: miscalculations and victory”), Valerii Tomazov (“National tangible and intangible culture of the North Azovian Greeks in the context of the russian-Ukrainian war”). The presentations sparked genuine interest and prompted several questions from the audience.

Scientists from all over the country participated in the event, which had a mixed format. The presentations were diverse and relevant, covering museum studies, historiography, hostilities on Ukraine’s territory, socio-humanitarian aspects of the war, oral history practices, nuances of local history, and more.

We thank the online broadcasts’ speakers, listeners, and viewers for actively participating in the museum conference.